IDS Vancouver - Interior Design Show

SEPTEMBER 26-29, 2024

Vancouver Convention Centre West

Love x You

A Community Focused VIP Lounge experience by Atmospheric Perspective

Exploring the beauty of our everyday lives, LovexYou is the IDS 2023 VIP Room. A space, an object, and an experience, LovexYou invites us all to consider what matters most in our lives and in our cities by re-centering what many take for granted everyday. Defined by a translucent mesh of foraged plants, the space will become an eye-catching focal point over the course of the show by inviting you to attach a love letter, penned by you, to your very important person, highlighting the value of spontaneity, inclusiveness, and shared experiences in the spaces we design.

Feature designer: Atmospheric Perspective by Andrew Lockhart

LovexYou is designed by Atmospheric Perspective, a Vancouver-based Architecture studio specializing in spaces of experience. AP was founded in 2022 by Andrew Lockhart exploring the intersection of aspirations and experiences in the design of public and community focused infrastructure.

Follow the design journey of LovexYou on Instagram @AtmosphericPerspective

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