IDS Vancouver - Interior Design Show

SEPTEMBER 26-29, 2024

Vancouver Convention Centre West

Marianne Amodio
Principal, Architect at Marianne Amodio and Harley Grusko Architects Inc.


Marianne began her eponymous firm, marianne amodio architecture studio in 2009. The practice was awarded the Arthur Erickson Award for Emerging Architect and the AIBC Award for Emerging Firm. In 2017, the firm welcomed Harley Grusko and was renamed MA+HG Architects.

Marianne oversees all projects at the studio, ensuring design excellence, thoughtfulness and rigour. She is an advocate for artfulness, meaning and service in Architecture and continually serves on various civic and cultural boards and committees.

Marianne gleefully co-hosts Pecha Kucha Vancouver, is an avid speaker on Social Density and the right to beautiful housing, and mentors a growing brood of Intern Architects.

Agenda Sessions

  • K06: The Evolution of West Coast Modern
