IDS Toronto - Interior Design Show

JANUARY 23-26, 2025

Metro Toronto Convention Centre North Building

In the Studio with
Tatiana Soldatova

Strategic Designer

Welcome to In The Studio,

where IDS asks a series of quick-fire questions to a celebrated member of the design community.

A tenacious leader with a passion for bringing great minds together on complex projects. Tatiana is highly focused on design research and business strategy. She co-founded Syllable Inc. a multidisciplinary firm, where they work with global brands to create holistic corporate spaces along with multi-unit residential and retail.

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a Teacher, then Principal

What was your first job?
My first job was picking berries on a farm when I was 9 years old #immigrantlife

What is your favourite piece of stationery that you can’t live without?
LAMY Al-star Ballpoint pen - colour lilac, I've had the same pen carcass for 10 years and keep refilling it.

What is your favourite piece of furniture in your studio?
Eames Rectangular Coffee Table by MillerKnoll

What is the most inspiring object in your studio?
My acoustic paneled wall in the kitchen, where I pin photos of my friends, letters, cards, and memorabilia I collect over the year. It allows me to reflect when I am feeling down to remember the great memories I had with friends and family. Each year I bring them down and start fresh.

What’s your favourite thing about your studio?
My home and office is in the same city block of Liberty Village, Toronto. It's a mini oasis of everything you need away from the hustle and bustle of downtown.

How many people work in your studio?
14 humans, and 2 dogs.

What skill would you like to master?
I'm currently in cooking school, already on track to master cooking.

What has been the biggest change in your work since you started designing?
I started of as an interior designer, only thinking project by project, to deliver great "design"- and now I am an advocate behind the scenes --truly understanding the economic, environmental, and human impact through design.

What do you think is misunderstood about the design industry?
Specifically, I hate calling myself an Interior Designer, because people think I pick pretty things - when most of what we do is problem solve, lead teams, project manage, budget, coordinate engineering drawings, and follow the fire code + building code. Design is not glamourous and fun, it's extremely technical and complex to execute.

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting their career?
Understand what you are good at and what you enjoy, don't comply into the "box" that school puts you in. Design career is a beautiful journey where you can carve out a path, your own way - just make sure to have an incredible network of humans who will support you along the way.

What fruit is best designed?
Dragon fruit, it's striking on the outside with pink and green form and inside is white with black pieces a great texture that isn't too sweet or in your face.

A book that changed your outlook?
Slow Death by Rubber Duck: How the Toxicity of Everyday Life Affects Our Health, Author Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie

Your dream work chair?
I love my MillerKnoll- Sayl Chair already.

Strangest thing you have designed (no explanation needed)
crafted a series of 15 pom pom "designer" sunglasses for my friends