IDS Toronto - Interior Design Show

JANUARY 23-26, 2025

Metro Toronto Convention Centre North Building

Samantha Jarvis
Policy Analyst at NRCAN-Canadian Forest Service


Samantha Jarvis is a Policy Analyst with Natural Resources Canada's Green Construction through Wood program. This program provides funding for demonstrations towards innovative wood-based building systems and technology, schematic design, and advanced bio-based products used in the design and construction of infrastructure that have low greenhouse gas emissions and are regionally representative and highly replicable. The program promotes the use of low-carbon and sustainable building materials to support Canada's commitment to reach 2030 and 2050 emission reduction targets under the Paris Agreement, and advance long-term greenhouse gas emission reduction priorities.

Samantha is passionate about sustainability and innovation, focusing her studies on socio-technical transitions that support Canada's 2050 net-zero targets before joining NRCan. She has a B.Soc. in Political Science and Communications and an M.A. in Sustainable Energy Policy.

Agenda Sessions

  • F02: The Economy of Timber
