IDS Vancouver Exhibitor Kit

September 25 - 28, 2025

IDS Vancouver Exhibitor Kit


All the information on the Exhibitor Kit is current as of IDS Vancouver 2024. The Exhibitor Kit will be updated closer to IDS Vancouver 2025.


IDS Vancouver is the Pacific platform for all things design and each exhibitor must ensure that their participation reflects the upscale nature of this event. IDS Vancouver attracts design savvy consumers and design professionals from across North America; booth design should reflect a premium standard as opposed to a booth which might be seen at a typical consumer show.

Consider factors that will provide the greatest impact such as lighting, flooring, walls, colours, layout etc. The look and feel of your booth is a direct reflection of the response you will receive from the marketplace; ensure you meet, and exceed their expectations. Exhibitors must consider sustainability when designing, building and dismantling their booth.

YOUR BOOTH SPACE DOES NOT INCLUDE WALLS, LIGHTING, ELECTRICITY or FLOOR COVERING*. Please refer to the Service Order Forms page to make these arrangements.
*If you purchased a turn-key booth or a booth within Studio North, Prototype, District or Collect, you may have walls, signage and flooring provided. If you are an exhibitor in one of the above sections, please review your individual booth contract.

No display may be arranged so that an exhibitor must stand in the aisle in front of the booth to conduct business. Moreover, no merchandise, chairs, tables, lights, signs or other exhibitor items may extend into the aisle. As well, handing out company marketing materials anywhere other than your contracted booth space is prohibited.

Booth designs that deviate in any way from the regulations listed below must be submitted by June 3, 2024 to for approval.


If you have not submitted your final booth rendering, please submit by June 3, 2024 to Christine Heyman at All booth designs must be approved in advance of the show.

1) Informa's Better Stands - Environmental Considerations

Through our commitment to the evolution of the events industry, we aim to ensure we are delivering the best possible experience for our customers. Informa is part of a global Better Stands programme which aims to unite and encourage exhibitors, along with their appointed contractors, to move away from disposable, single-use stands at events, in favour of reusable structures.

To learn more about Informa's Better Stands Programme, you can read our Better Stands Brochure and watch the Better Stands Informative Video.

We have had feedback from many exhibitors, who see a number of benefits from using reusable stands:

  • A smoother, more predictable and stress-fee build and dismantle experience for all parties
  • Reflect your brand’s commitment to sustainability – as you’re reducing waste and emissions by choosing a reusable stand
  • Reduced waste bills and less likelihood of other unpredicted costs
  • Reusable stands reduce the likelihood of accidents and incidents occurring during the build and dismantle of your stand
  • Reusable stands also remove the likelihood of requiring early access or late working with subsequent additional costs

Below are items to consider when designing your booth:

  • Consider the future use of your booth. You can save money and reduce environmental impact by re-using the whole, or elements of the booth – either by re-using it at the next IDS show, or in a showroom. Some exhibitors have used their booth to create furniture pieces.
  • Specify local materials (locally manufactured and/or raw materials).
  • Look out for materials with sustainability credentials, such as wood sustainably certified to the FSC or PEFC standards.
  • Drywall is not permitted.
  • Plywood or wood framing would be a better-suited, impermanent wall option with a longer life span for re-use.
  • Use recycled materials or choose materials that can be recycled post-event.
  • Use rapidly renewable materials.
  • Choose construction methods that allow components to be taken apart and reused or donated (i.e no adhesive).
  • Avoid materials like styrofoam/polystyrene, PVC, fiberglass and high-VOC paints.

Exhibitors must fill out the MANDATORY SUSTAINABILITY SURVEY so that we can gather information about which components of your booth are being reused.

If you have sustainability suggestions to share with your fellow exhibitors, please send them to so we can expand our list of best practices.

We will be conducting onsite assessments to check how each stand compares against the framework below and will use information submitted by you and your contractor in advance to help with that, if we can.


Habitat for Humanity services the Greater Vancouver area and accepts donations of the following:

  • Booth Construction Materials
  • Furniture and Decor
  • Product Samples

Contact Habitat for Humanity at for pre-approval of materials, or if you have any questions. Please include photos, material, size, and quantities. Exhibitors will need to reach out to Habitat for Humanity in advance and make arrangements to drop off their donations at their ReStore (Burnaby Location) following move out.

Address: 7977 Enterprise St. in Burnaby

Drop Off Hours: Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 3:30pm

Exhibitors must remove all of their booth materials from the VCC during move-out. Please consider reaching out to Habitat for Humanity if you have any materials to donate following the show.

Click the image to see The Better Stands Table.

2) Walls

Exhibitors are provided with floor space only. The booth fee does not include walls of any kind*. This means that each exhibitor is responsible for providing hard walls to create a separation from each adjoining booth. Exhibitors can either bring their own hard wall system or rent 8' high walls from Sequoia (formerly North Display) using the link below.

*If you purchased a turn-key booth or a booth within Studio North, Prototype, District, or Collect, you may have walls or structure included in your booth fee. If you are an exhibitor in one of the above sections, please review your individual booth contract.

Alternatively, you can inquire about custom booth designs from either Sequoia (formerly North Display) or our premium contractor Doug at Dado Designs for a quote on a custom built exhibit you could use year after year.

No standard booth drape is allowed and exhibitors cannot use a neighbour’s exposed walls as a backdrop. In some cases, display elements may meet the criteria for separating walls. Show Management reserves the right to mask unsightly areas at the expense of the exhibitor. If you have a common wall with another exhibitor (this includes back walls and side walls), it must be 8’ in height. You must not build your display over 8’ if you have an adjoining wall with another exhibitor. Side walls, in addition to being 8’ in height, must also extend all the way to the aisles; refer to the booth illustrations here.

If you have an island booth, your height restriction is 12’. Above that height, written approval must be obtained from Show Management. In addition, exhibitors planning to go above the 12’ restriction may be required to have engineered, stamped exhibit drawings. Exhibitors who are unable to produce engineered drawings in their own offices may submit their exhibit drawings to for submission to the VCC for approval before building or committing to the final drawings.

To order Hardwalls, click HERE.

3) Floor Covering

PLEASE NOTE: There is no aisle carpet at the show. All Informa shows are making changes towards creating more sustainable events. Part of our efforts will include eliminating the aisle carpets. We recommend that your booth design includes flooring or floor covering for comfort and so that your space is delineated from the aisles.

The cost of booth carpet/floor covering is not included in the booth rental; exhibitors must bring or rent their own with the Carpet Order Form below. Painting, nailing or drilling of the building floor is not permitted. Exhibitors wishing to lay tile or other floor covering, or build any structure, may not adhere it directly to the building floor. It is required that paper, plastic sheeting, or some other suitable protection be laid on the building floor. If two-sided tape is used, it must be completely removed by the exhibitor during move-out. Exhibitors must not use masking tape, clear packaging tape or duct tape to adhere the covering to the show floor. The recommended tape is Scapa Tape which is a high-adhesion double-sided cloth tape commonly used at trade shows; it leaves almost no residue upon removal. Scapa Tape is available from National Hardware Sales Ltd.

Upon removal of each booth, the Vancouver Convention Centre and Show Management will inspect each space for any damages incurred by the exhibitor and to check that all materials, including tape residue left on the floor, are properly removed. Any charges to make good the exhibit space will be passed on to the exhibitor. All garbage, and disposal of leftover materials are the responsibility of the exhibitor; if materials are left in the booth, the fee for disposal will be passed on to the exhibitor.

AVOID TRIP HAZARDS: Exhibitors with raised floors must remember that they are limited to a maximum height of 6″. Any flooring with a height of 3/8" or greater will require a transition strip. All concealed wiring must be quickly accessible for emergency service. If you plan on installing raised floors in your booth, they must be non-hazardous and wheelchair accessible. Wheelchair ramps must be at least 3′ wide, with a maximum slope of 1:12 (i.e. a 6″ rise would require a 6′ run). Landings must be provided at tops and bottoms of ramps and must be at least 36″ wide by 60″ and free of obstructions. Ramps must be curbed or guarded at their edges and surfaces must be firm and slip-resistant. There must also be a ramp at every 100 feet. Please note the full extent of any ramp must fall within your assigned booth space and cannot extend into the aisles. Exhibitors should ensure they build any raised floors with these requirements in mind.

To order Carpet, click HERE.

4) Booth Types

Click on an image below to enlarge:

5) Lighting

Please be advised that you must provide lighting for your booth display. The overhead lighting at the Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC) will NOT be sufficient. You may bring your own lights or rent them from Riggit using the link below.

To order Lighting, click HERE.

6) Electrical

All electrical services are provided exclusively by the Vancouver Convention Centre (VCC). Exhibitors are responsible for arranging their own electrical power which should be ordered in advance using the VCC Electrical Order Form below. Exhibitors are not allowed to install any electrical wiring devices on-site other than regular extension cords. All on-site hard wiring and connections must be done by VCC electricians. Extension cords must be of the three-prong type (ie. grounded) and must contain wires of the proper size to carry the electrical load.

Power and telecommunications are supplied via floor ports, located every 30′ on centre, north-south and east-west. The floor ports are flush metal panels, approximately 2’4″ by 1’10”. Use flat wiring to deliver power and telecommunication from the floor port to a specific area of your display. Floor ports are indicated on the floorplan as a small open square symbol on the floor plan. For details on floor port locations, please contact

IDS will not have any aisle carpet. If you do not have a floor port in your booth, we recommend ordering Overhead Power Outlets to prevent floor cables leading into your space from the aisles.

To order Electrical, click HERE.

Electrical Appliances in Booth Display

All wiring must be done in an approved manner, acceptable to the latest edition of the Canadian Electrical Code. The BC Safety Authority will not accept:

  • open joints
  • joints that are taped
  • ungrounded wiring
  • improper box connectors

Any lighting or wiring that is not factory assembled must be approved by an accredited approval agency prior to move-in. Exhibitors will have to place an order with the VCC for the in-house electricians to correct any deficient wiring, a standard hourly rate will be charged for this service. Exhibitors placing on-site orders to correct wiring that is not up to code will be worked on as soon as all pre-ordered items are installed. It is strongly recommended that all wiring and lighting inspections and corrections be taken care of before being brought on site.

For certification of electrical equipment, please contact the Canadian Standards Association.

Electrical Products for Sale by Exhibitor (eg. lamps)

Any electrical product (eg. lamps) being sold at the show must be CSA approved for parts AND assembly. Though all lamp parts might be CSA Approved, when they are assembled together to make a new electrical product, it does not assure that this item has been assembled correctly or is electrically safe. Any new electrical product requires an inspection certificate. Please visit the Technical Safety BC website for more details.

Electrical equipment is considered to be approved if it bears the certification mark or Field Evaluation label of an organization that has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to approve electrical equipment. If these markings are missing, the equipment is considered to be unapproved. Since markings are updated regularly visit the Technical Safety BC website for a current listing.

7) Ceilings and/or Second Storeys

Booths with ceilings of any kind require a 5 lb ABC-type fire extinguisher. Exhibitor must provide their own 5 lbs. ABC fire extinguisher that is visible and accessible always during the show. Booth staff must be trained on its use by completing this online course: Fully enclosed structures or roofed structures larger than 10′ x 10′ may require supplemental smoke detection as required by Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services. Multi-Storey booths will require approval by the VCC. Please submit engineered drawings to

Single-level booths with ceilings, two storey booths and booths with mezzanines ALL require special approval, and in most cases, a building permit. Documents for the proposed booth design must be submitted to, who in turn will submit the documents to the VCC for approval. The VCC will discuss these configurations with the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services. Please refer to the VCC’s Exhibitor Safety Fire Regulations for additional information.

Any changes to complex builds must be resubmitted for approval.

8) Signage

All exhibitor signage must be confined to the exhibitor’s booth area and must not inappropriately block views of the rest of the show floor. Signage must be professionally printed and mounted. Flag banner pop-up signs are also prohibited on the show floor. If you are interested in ordering signage for your booth please use the link below. Signage should be re-used, or recycled; environmental impacts should be considered when selecting signage and printed materials.

If you are interested in ordering additional signage for your booth please refer to the LEVY portal on the Service Order Forms Page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: No roll-up banners/pop up booths are permitted on the show floor. See the examples below.

9) No Overhead Trade Banners

No overhead trade banners are permitted. Installations and lighting are welcome at the approval of Christine Heyman at

10) Sale Signs

At no time will SALE signs, SHOW DISCOUNT signs, SHOW SPECIAL signs, or others of this nature be permitted on the exhibit floor. Show management will ask you to remove the signs if they are on display.

11) Suspended Installations

Suspended installations are welcome; please send plans to Christine Heyman at for approval. All suspended installations must be installed by VCC, the exclusive rigging supplier. Once approved, place your order using the Suspended Installations Form below.

To order Suspended Installations, click HERE.

12) Soliciting

Distribution of samples, souvenirs, or literature must be confined within the exhibitor’s booth space. Absolutely no solicitation is allowed in the aisles, at any show or building entrance, or anywhere on the grounds of the Vancouver Convention Centre. This includes solicitation by costumed personnel.

13) Furniture & Accessory Rentals

A limited selection of furniture is available from LEVY Show Service and can be ordered using the Furniture Order Form below. Please note that rented draped tables and draped platforms are not permitted. IDS supports original design. Please ensure all furniture is the original design and not a copy.

To order Furniture, click HERE.

14) Water/Plumbing

Water line connections or fill and drain service can be ordered by completing the VCC Plumbing Order Form below. For details on floorports that supply water, please contact

To order Water/Plumbing, click HERE.

15) Propane

Exhibitors wishing to display any equipment that is fueled by either propane or natural gas must receive permission from the Vancouver Convention Centre 30 days prior to show date. For more information on this form please contact Alana Magalhaes at


Propane tanks in excess of 20 lbs (9.1 kg) are not permitted inside the building. Arrangements to store these in outdoor space may be made through Event Services & Venue Operations. Flow restriction valves must be used on all propane tanks and are available from most hardware supply stores. All propane connections must be inspected and approved by the Vancouver Convention Centre. Propane tanks will generally be limited to no more than one for any given exhibit booth or display (exceptions may be made at the discretion of the fire marshal). For events with larger propane requirements, special arrangements must be made through the Provincial Gas Inspector. Please consult with Alana Magalhaes at
All empty containers must be removed at the end of the event. Fees may apply for any tanks left on-site post event.

Flow restriction valves must be used on all propane tanks and are available from Home Depot (604-675-1260) or Acklands-Grainger (604-879-4211). All propane connections must be inspected and approved by the VCC. For any larger propane requirements, special arrangements must be made through the Provincial Gas Inspector. Please contact for details.

Compressed Gas Cylinders, Gas Tanks & Other Gas Containers

All requests to use or store compressed gas cylinders or other gas tanks/containers onsite must be forwarded to Event Services & Venue Operations for approval. Please contact CAlana Magalhaes at Required information includes the number of containers, size/volume, and type of gas. Event Services & Venue Operations will determine whether the gas containers may be stored on-site (in the event space or elsewhere) and any other storage conditions that may apply. Any gas must be stored in an approved container that is specifically designed for that purpose, and must be clearly labeled with appropriate content and safety information. The Client/Exhibitor is responsible for arranging drop-off and pick-up. If the gas containers are left onsite following the event, the Client/Exhibitor will be charged for disposal costs.

16) Cleaning

Aisles and common areas within the show will be cleaned daily. Exhibitors are responsible for the appearance of their own booths. Exhibitors must make arrangements for all booth cleaning, and are required to use the janitorial services of the VCC for all booth cleaning, including vacuuming of booths prior to show opening. Should exhibitors require janitorial services (carpet shampooing, vacuuming, dusting, and garbage removal) please refer to the VCC Booth Cleaning Order Form listed below. Please note, cleaning is an exclusive service provided by the VCC and exhibitors cannot bring their own cleaning staff.

Exhibitors are also accountable for clearing all garbage and debris from their booths upon vacating the Vancouver Convention Centre and are expected to explore avenues for reuse and recycling rather than resorting to direct landfill disposal. Failure to comply will result in a bulk garbage removal fee being charged to the exhibiting company.

Any exhibit construction that requires the use of power tools must have the appropriate dust extraction equipment. All construction waste must be removed by the exhibitor.

To order Booth Cleaning, click HERE.

17) Occupational Health and Safety

High-visibility vests are MANDATORY, please ensure that your entire team brings their own vests, or be prepared to purchase them onsite at the VCC Exhibitor Service Desk.

All exhibitors are reminded that workplace and worker safety is everyone’s responsibility. All participants at IDS Vancouver must comply with the legislation contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and Workers Compensation Act, which is governed by WorkSafeBC.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act also requires exhibitors who will spend $100,000 or more on labour and materials must complete a “Notice of Project”. Please see the Notice of Project section below for more information.

1. Personal Protective Equipment:

Anyone working or visiting the show floor during move-in and move-out regardless of their booth size or location on the show floor MUST wear the following:

  • CSA approved steel-toed safety shoes (look for the green triangular patch).
  • High visibility vest.
  • Safety vests are available to purchase at the Service Desk on the show floor; you are also more than welcome to bring your own safety vests.
  • CSA approved hard hat in booths where overhead work and any work above 10 ft. is being done. (bicycle helmets are not allowed)

2. Health & Safety Declaration Form

Show management will be vigilantly monitoring the show floor to ensure a safe work environment; everyone must make it a priority to minimize the potential hazards and reduce the risk of injuries. Should you see a hazard or unsafe work practice on the show floor, notify show management immediately. All exhibitors are required to submit the Health & Safety Declaration Form by the appropriate deadline. We kindly ask that you advise your staff, suppliers and exhibitors of the safety practices.

To complete the Mandatory Exhibitor Health & Safety Declaration, click HERE.

18) Notice of Project

Any exhibitor who will spend more than $100,000 on materials and labour to construct their booth must file a “Notice of Project” with the Workers Compensation Board via WorkSafeBC before move-in. To confirm if you need to submit a NOP, please read this page. There is no cost to file the NOP, however, if you do not file there could be a fine imposed on you on-site or a WCB inspector could issue a stop work order. A copy of the Notice of Project must be posted at the booth before work commences. Please contact WorkSafeBC directly with any questions (1-888-621-7233).

Some of the other mandatory requirements that apply once a Notice of Project has been filed include having the entire booth cordoned off (eg. with yellow caution tape or an appropriate barrier) and all employees and/or sub-contractors working within the area must wear CSA approved steel-toed shoes and hard hats while booth construction is taking place (ie. walls being erected or dismantled, etc.).

To complete the Notice of Project, click HERE.

19) Installation

Construction and installation of displays must be confined within the exhibitor’s booth space, and is not permitted in the aisles. Construction that may cause disturbance or damage to other exhibits, such as strong paint fumes or excessive dust, is prohibited. The Vancouver Convention Centre does not have collective agreements with labour, carpentry or painting unions, however, some work conducted in the exhibit hall must be performed or provided by Exclusive Suppliers only.

Any exhibitor who plans to use an independent contractor(s) other than the IDS Vancouver Official Suppliers must submit the Notice of Intent to Use Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) with a copy of the EAC’s certificate of insurance. The EAC must comply with the requirements and regulations listed on the form. EAC’s cannot perform the work of Exclusive Suppliers.

To complete the Exhibitor-Appointed Contractor Form, click HERE.

20) Storage

There is no complimentary storage at the Vancouver Convention Centre during the show. LEVY Show Service will, if required, arrange for the removal and return of such items (please note: this is a paid service for which exhibitors are responsible). All containers should be clearly marked with exhibitor’s name and booth number. Exhibitors who handle their own freight should arrange storage of empties or other material at the LEVY Service Desk onsite during move-in. Note, exhibitors who have ordered Advance Warehousing or Material Handling will have storage included with their order. Storage cannot be ordered in advance of the show, exhibitors can arrange with LEVY Service desk onsite.

21) Recycling

The Vancouver Convention Centre will have dedicated Mega Bags for recycling materials: one for cardboard and one for soft plastic. Please place materials directly into these bags onsite to be compacted and recycled.

Any oversized quantity of material that an exhibitor would like to recycle will need to be approved by Show Management. If approved, exhibitors are responsible for carrying/dolling the material to the sorting bins on the loading dock.

If any exhibitors have pallets left over, please contact the Show Office to see where these can be recycled onsite.

All materials brought in by exhibitors must be removed entirely from the Vancouver Convention Centre by the end of your assigned move out time. Should any exhibitor fail to remove all property by the time stipulated, the exhibitor will be responsible for the disposal fees and labour costs involved to remove items on their behalf.

22) Display Vehicles

Absolutely no vehicles of any description are allowed to be displayed on the show floor except for those of the IDS Car Sponsor.

23) Balloons

Absolutely no balloons of any kind are permitted at the Interior Design Show Vancouver.

24) Animals

Absolutely no animals are allowed to be used within exhibitor booths as display props. If you believe the animal is necessary to sell your product you must request permission from Requests must be made at least (7) days prior to move in and include plans for control/enclosure and waste. Note, service animals are allowed into all the areas of our event that are open to the public.

25) Internet Access

There is no complimentary WiFi access on the Show Floor. Paid wireless Internet access includes unlimited wireless access for one device from anywhere within the Vancouver Convention Centre for the duration of the event. Access codes for additional computers or devices can also be purchased at a reduced cost after the first access code has been purchased. To order WiFi, fill out and submit the Internet Order Form below. Wired Internet Access is also available. Show Management, exhibitors and attendees are prohibited from providing or distributing any wired or wireless (including cellular-based and 4G/5G wireless access points) Internet access within the facility without permission from the VCC. Any installations that have not been granted permission in advance will be subject to removal without compensation. Complimentary WiFi is available in both Coal Harbour Cafés.

To order Internet, click HERE.

26) Booth Catering & Liquor

All catering arrangements must be made through VCC Catering Department, the exclusive in-house supplier of Vancouver Convention Centre. Exhibitors who wish to have food served from their booth (during the Opening Night Party or at any other time during the show) can make arrangements by ordering via the VCC portal (link provided below) or by contacting Roya Roohi at Please note, the serving of alcoholic beverages in exhibitors’ booths is only possible when arranged through VCC Catering Department.

The facility operates under its own Liquor Primary liquor license, issued by the British Columbia Liquor Control and Licencing Board. Alcohol is not permitted on the show floor unless purchased from the Vancouver Convention Centre. If Alcohol is brought into the Vancouver Convention Centre it will be removed by the VCC’s Beverage Manager and/or security. Any liquor bottles that are being used for display purposes must be empty. If you wish to serve liquor to clients in your booth you can make arrangements with the VCC by contacting Roya Roohi at

IDS Vancouver 2024 Catering Menu

To order Catering via the VCC Portal, click HERE.

27) Food & Beverage Sampling

Vancouver Convention Centre catering department has exclusive food and beverage distribution rights within the Convention Centre. Exhibitors may distribute SAMPLE food and/or beverage products ONLY upon written authorization and adherence to ALL of the conditions outlined in the Food Sampling Guidelines. Please note that food sampling permission extends only to products sold by your company. Questions regarding food & beverage sampling can be directed to Roya Roohi at

28) Drones and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)

RPAS / drones may not be operated indoors at Vancouver Convention Centre without the facility’s express consent. Please note that drones will not be allowed to fly over attendees within the Vancouver Convention Centre. Exhibitors who wish to fly a drone within the convention centre must contact to learn about insurance requirements and other regulations. The lead time to obtain the necessary permissions and accepted policies from insurers can be lengthy, so exhibitors are encouraged to begin the process early.

29) Dismantling Procedures

Immediately after the show closes on Sunday, September 29, exhibitors will be permitted to begin dismantling their displays. All empty crates and boxes will be returned as quickly as possible. As product is most vulnerable to loss during dismantling, do not leave valuables unattended. The show’s general security is merely a presence to inhibit theft. Every item, whether exhibit material, brochures or trash, belonging to exhibitors must be removed entirely from the VCC by your allotted move-out time listed on the Colour-Coded Move-Out Floorplan (coming soon). Should any exhibitor fail to remove all property by the time stipulated, then the exhibitor shall indemnify Show Management in respect to any claim thereby occasioned. Show Management shall be entitled, but not obliged, to remove such materials belonging to the exhibitor, who shall be liable for all loss and costs incurred. Read more about move-out on the Move-In/Out page.