IDS Vancouver Exhibitor Kit

September 25 - 28, 2025

IDS Vancouver Exhibitor Kit


All the information on the Exhibitor Kit is current as of IDS Vancouver 2024. The Exhibitor Kit will be updated closer to IDS Vancouver 2025.


Let's Chat
Health & Safety

1) Fire Safety Regulations

It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to comply with the Fire Regulations and requirements of the City of Vancouver. All exhibitors must review the VCC Exhibitor Fire Safety Regulations. Make sure to go through it carefully and direct any questions to the VCC Fire Marshall, or simply contact your IDS Vancouver representative.

The Building Code prohibits the use of flammable materials in booth construction and décor. Styrofoam and foam core, in any form, is forbidden. Fire regulations require that all decorating materials (ie. fabric and carpeting, etc.) be fire proofed or made of fire retardant material. This does not apply to displaying your own product. Flame proofing usually lasts from 6 months to 1 year. Once your display has been flame proofed please make sure you bring the documentation on-site to show to the fire prevention inspector. This will avoid having to fire-test the exhibit on site. The documentation should indicate by whom and when the fireproofing was done, the exact materials flame proofed and the flame proofing compound used and the approximate period of effectiveness. The fire prevention inspector will remove equipment and materials considered hazardous at the exhibitor’s expense. (All fire proofing must take place off-site prior to move-in.)

2) Exhibitor Insurance

The exhibitor must purchase and keep in effect during the period when its property is in the exhibition hall and in transit to and from the Vancouver Convention Centre (the Building), insurance against loss, damage, or destruction to such property, however caused, for the full value of such property, and to cause the insurer to waiver subrogation against the Show Management. Exhibitor is responsible for insurance coverage related to participation in the Show. Each Exhibitor and each of Exhibitor’s appointed contractors is required to carry $5,000,000 commercial general liability for bodily injury and/or property damage in any one occurrence, such coverage shall specifically

(i) provide that Informa Canada Inc. and the BC PavCo (the parent company of Vancouver Convention Centre), are listed as additional insureds on the policy,

(ii) include a cross liability clause, and

(iii) provide that such policy shall not be cancelled or materially altered prior to termination of this Exhibitor Agreement.

Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that its participation in the Event is solely at its own risk, and it is required to carry insurance to cover the risks associated with its participation therewith including loss, damage or destruction to its property, however caused, from the period its property is in the Building and in transit to and from the Building. Such insurance shall contain a waiver of subrogation against Informa, its affiliates and their respective parents, subsidiaries, lenders and affiliates. Exhibitor agrees to look solely to such insurance to compensate for any loss.

The insurance must be issued by an insurance company licensed to transact business in North America. This coverage can often be arranged through the exhibitor’s own insurance broker for a nominal fee.

Exhibitors who do not have insurance may purchase temporary coverage for the duration of the show from Exhibitor Insurance through the link below.

For exhibitors who have an existing policy that meets all of the requirements mentioned above, please upload copy of your COI for review through the link provided below . Deadline for submission is Friday, August 30, 2024.

3) Exhibit Hall Security

IDS will take all reasonable security precautions to safeguard the premises. A security firm has been hired to provide 24-hour service to the exhibit halls. While we provide security, you must be vigilant and aware of your possessions. Exercise the following precautions to safeguard your booth during the Show:

  • Try to be on site when your product is being delivered to your booth.
  • Conduct a physical inventory after your product has been delivered, noting any missing or damaged items.
  • Do not leave your bill of lading unattended in your booth.
  • When setting up your booth, place your products where you can keep an eye on them.
  • After setting up your booth, conduct a visual inventory of your product and the way in which it is displayed (your camera phone is helpful for this.) Inventory all valuable items in your booth by recording serial numbers and descriptions.
  • Store any excess product or give-aways in a locked cabinet.
  • Don’t leave purses or briefcases on tables near the entrance of the booth or in an unattended blind spot. They should also not be left behind drapes or underneath tables since this is the first place that is targeted.
  • Try to greet anyone that comes into your booth – this lets them know that you are aware of their presence and will discourage any attempts to steal.
  • If your booth contains many valuables which are difficult to secure or time-consuming to setup or teardown on a daily basis, you may want to consider hiring your own overnight security guard. The expense will be justified should you lose one item.
  • When you leave at the end of each day either take your laptops, tablets or other electronic equipment with you, or store them in a locked cabinet.
  • Never leave cash or credit card receipts in your booth overnight.
  • At the closing of the Show, don’t leave your booth immediately; remain there until the floor clears. This is one of the premium times during which theft occurs.
  • Stay with your product on closing day until it has been securely packed and picked up for shipment. If you’re returning the following day to pack up your booth then it’s advisable to remove small cartons and open cases of products immediately after closing on Sunday to minimize the possibility of loss or damage to such items.
  • Obtain proper insurance coverage for your booth display and products, including transit to and from the Show site. (Show Management is not responsible for any injury, damage or theft occurring on the way to or from the Show or while on site.) Exhibitors are urged to obtain a rider to existing insurance policies to protect booth/product from the time it leaves their warehouse to the time it returns by contacting their insurance agent. Alternatively, insurance for the Show can be purchased through the Exhibitor Insurance link listed above.

If you have any security concerns before the show, please contact

4) First Aid

The first aid room is located next to the West Ballroom A near the South entrance. In any emergency contact a security guard, show personnel, or dial 7500 on any house phone within the facility or 604-647-7500 from an outside line or cell phone.

5) Occupational Health and Safety

High-visibility vests are MANDATORY, please ensure that your entire team brings their own vests, or be prepared to purchase them onsite at the VCC Exhibitor Service Desk.

All exhibitors are reminded that workplace and worker safety is everyone’s responsibility. All participants at IDS Vancouver must comply with the legislation contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and Workers Compensation Act, which is governed by WorkSafeBC.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act also requires exhibitors who will spend $100,000 or more on labour and materials must complete a “Notice of Project”. Please see the Notice of Project section below for more information.


Anyone working or visiting the show floor during move-in and move-out regardless of their booth size or location on the show floor MUST wear the following:

  • CSA approved steel-toed safety shoes (look for the green triangular patch).
  • High visibility vest.
  • Safety vests are available to purchase at the Service Desk on the show floor; you are also more than welcome to bring your own safety vests.
  • CSA approved hard hat in booths where overhead work and any work above 10 ft. is being done. (bicycle helmets are not allowed)


Show management will be vigilantly monitoring the show floor to ensure a safe work environment; everyone must make it a priority to minimize the potential hazards and reduce the risk of injuries. Should you see a hazard or unsafe work practice on the show floor, notify show management immediately. All exhibitors are required to submit the Health & Safety Declaration Form by August 30, 2024. We kindly ask that you advise your staff, suppliers and exhibitors of the safety practices.

To complete the Mandatory Exhibitor Health & Safety Declaration, click HERE.

6) Notice of Project

Any exhibitor who will spend more than $100,000 on materials and labour to construct their booth must file a “Notice of Project” with the Workers Compensation Board via WorkSafeBC before move-in. To confirm if you need to submit a NOP, please read this page. There is no cost to file the NOP, however, if you do not file there could be a fine imposed on you on-site or a WCB inspector could issue a stop work order. A copy of the Notice of Project must be posted at the booth before work commences. Please contact WorkSafeBC directly with any questions (1-888-621-7233).

Some of the other mandatory requirements that apply once a Notice of Project has been filed include having the entire booth cordoned off (eg. with yellow caution tape or an appropriate barrier) and all employees and/or sub-contractors working within the area must wear CSA approved steel-toed shoes and hard hats while booth construction is taking place (ie. walls being erected or dismantled, etc.).

To complete the Notice of Project Form, click HERE.

7) Hazardous Materials/Products – SDS Required

Exhibitor planning to bring hazardous materials or products onsite (including during install/dismantle or in-booth demonstrations) must provide copies of each SDS (Safety Data Sheets) to Show Management. Please email your SDS to by August 30, 2024.

Exhibitors must also have copies in their booth for reference.